Thursday, June 27, 2019

End game

Hello, dear readers...
For my part the my experience in blogging I like so much and enjoy because it is the Best exerscice for to practice lenguage english. I believe that plataform help me in my english because learn much words very useful.
Advantages: it is very useful for practice writing in english because I had writing blogs every time... One for week!!! For my this is to much jajaja

Disadvantages: all my blogs always a mstakes and this is very frust for me because I believe that my blogs they are ok but not are fine

How recomendación I would like to that my teacher to be by my side while I write one of the 10 blogs because I have a lot of déficit in the leangue and I believe that with the teacher  by mi side one time a term

Thanks for reading my blog. See you in your life... Very luky :D

Nature is...

Hello, dear readers...

If you ask me "What do you find beautiful that most people do not?". My always answer it is NATURE. 

For my part the nature it is perfectly and beauty. It is a big part of my World without it my life Would be very different. For my nature is all, without it nothing would be same in the World. Nature it is the beginning of all and the end. It is more important that you know and the day you learn it safty you protect it. In my opinion nature would be better off without the influence of man but it is impossible so we have protect it. 

For example: ¡¡¡¡Oceans!!!! Chile is an excellent motive to celebrate the beauty, richness and potential of the Sea. Day by day, the world is becoming conscience of and respecting the natural environment and I am very happy for that. 

Finally when I have some time, I generally go outdoor in nature  and I take a walk outdoors becouse I love it enjoy the little moments of life... and you with that you will be happy <3

Thanks for reading my blog. See you in the next post :D

Thursday, June 13, 2019

little time for the end

Hello, dear readers ...

This end of semester is much more stressful than I imagined because I am currently taking 8 subjects, of which 6 are mandatory in the curricular mesh. Many people tell me that i take too many subjects, but I do not have another opportunity to take them because it is my last year of my career. I am happy with all the subjects because one of them is "English communicational III" and I really want to learn English.

But my favorite subject is a free one called "Renewable Energies" that consist of doing practical activities (to semi-annual work), theoretical and field trips. It is my favorite subject because I love renewable energies and because the professor explains very well the two main topics of the subject: (1) the different technologies applied in renewable energies and (2) how these energies solve environmental, economic conflicts and social. Mainly it was very easy for me the subject because I liked the program very much and when a study program is fun it is much easier to study.

Thanks for Reading my blog. See you in the next post: D

Website that I love

Hello, dear readers ...

There is a website that I love and has a lot of relationship with an area of ​​my career, this is: "". To summarize a bit is the website of a company that is dedicated to implementing renewable and clean energy throughout Latin America but the link is specifically just what the company has done in Chile so far. The page talks about the performance of the company, its operations and news of interest.

Even if you do not believe me, I visit this website once a month or every two weeks, because it has a lot to do with the area of ​​interest that I want to work with when I graduate from Engineering in renewable natural resources, in fact I would like to work very hard in this company because I am fascinated with renewable energies and everything one can achieve with them. After all, these energies are super necessary.

Thanks for Reading my blog. See you in the next post :D

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Hello, dear readers... 

Permaculture is a life style in a more ecological way. The Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren invented permaculture in 1970 while they motivated creation the clean agricultural system. Permaculture is a system that created a sustainability, healthy and economically viable settlements.  It should be pointed out that modern agriculture should be sustainable because this way our grandchildren's needs will be more prosperous.

Permaculture uses all resources and waste materials of plants and animals for soil benefit. The plantations are designed to make the most of water and sun. The importance of this topic In Chile is that the little agriculturists benefits the most, when all waste are use and they invest less money in fertilizer for soil, because of this, in the south of Chile permaculture has increased.

Lastly, we may notice that this topic is difficult but we must learn, because in the future we would be thankful that we still have a healthy soil where our food would grow.

Thanks for reading my blog. See you in the next post :D

Thursday, May 30, 2019


You will ask... What is my most favorite picture?
My favourite picture it is this (is beautiful for my): 

This picture is the marriage of my best friend Valentina Mieres and she was it take the picture in year 2018. For my this day was very fine and happy because my best friend was very happy to achieved your objective for this year. She was really want marriage whit his best friend and lover Esteban Lurs. 

In the table you can see a lot of people. They are my friends of the school (from left to right, Romina, Cristobal’s mom, Janos, Cristobal, my boyfriend Eric, myself, Javiera and her boyfriend).  Is day was very emotional because  we never thought that one of us would get married but we will always love her… Some friendships last forever.

Thanks for reading my blog. See you in the next post :D

Thursday, May 2, 2019

My favorite piece of technology

Hello, dear readers.

They will ask... What is my most indispensable piece of technology? 

It is my computer . Because is useful for my studied and have less distractions than my telephone  also  I use it to work, watch movies, as well as contact my foreign  friends via facebook and gmail.  My computer have a integral keyboard and little screen, it is a very light, rectangular and blue. 

My second most indispensable piece of techonology is my telephone. Is very useful for every day use. I have a "Huaweii telephone" I like since the camara photografic is very well then the photografic is amazing for my travels in the world because my mobile have four cameras and one flash. It is an expensive, rectangular, new, pink and chinese mobil. 

Thanks for read my blog, you see in the next post :D

Thursday, April 18, 2019

My decision

Hello, dear readers.

My name is Antonia Valderrama and today I'm going write about my chosen career Engineering  in  Natural  Renewable Resources.

To start with, when I was a child I wanted to be an Architect because my father is an architect and I love my house. After this, my decision change because when I started recycle I knew a new world well. A world where  I learned about nature, ecology, ecosystem and renewable energy. With result I love Engineering in Natural Renewable Resources and my only option in order to carrer.

Finally I chose the correct option, my experience at university is very good due to I love Antumapu and my teachers because I learn things that is useful. When I work I would like to work in renewables energy, these are my decision for choose my carrer.

Thanks for read my blog, you see in the next post :D

Image result for Energias renovables

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Introduction to my life

Hello, dear readers.

My name is Antonia Valderrama and today I'm going yo write about my life:

To start I’m  currently  in my fifth year  of Engineering  in  Natural  Renewable Resources in Universidad de Chile. Because I was live in Santiago the Chile for all my life and my age is 22 years old. My next birthday is March 18 and I'm going to be 23 years old. 

I studied at Atenas schools and my secondary school in religious schools. My family is very funny and big for me, since my mum is an art teacher  and my father is an architect, my brother is a businnesman and my sister is an Architect, it's a very big combination of university careers. We like to see movies and go to eat outside. My main hobbies are rock climbing, travelling, reading and dancing with my friends in a club. 

Finally, I'm a very funny girl and great for the people because my pasion is to safe the word.

Thanks for read my blog, you see in the next post :D